My first Zine: Self-Care

I've been having a bit of an art block. When that happens I try to pivot and find other ways to create. I've had the itch to create more comics. I wanted to tell stories I'm some way. While browsing YouTube one day, I saw a video about how to make Zines. I am familiar with zines and have acquired a few over the years but I never considered making one.

The great thing about this is I already had all my supplies, I just needed an idea. In September I made a conscious effort to take better care of myself and even made a list with goals on a dry erase board so that I could mark off as I met the goal for the day.

So that's what I wanted to put into a zine!

I drew these super quickly and colored them in a little messy because I was more focused on getting the idea across than making it perfect. That's part of the charm of zines, I think. Haha please excuse my badly chipped nail polish and fingers that partially pink from my hair dye. It's very punk though, right and fits the vibe of this zine haha.

This is a mini zine. It's made in a regular piece of printer paper. I folded it and cut a slit in the middle so that it can be folded a little booklet. :)

Have you read a Zine before? Have you made one yourself? I highly recommend you try of you haven't. You can make them on any topic. I could even be a list of things you like. You don't even have to draw it, you could create a collage or just write in it. There's so many ways to do it and none of them are wrong.

Here's what I'm working on now. It's just a draft so far but I hope to have this ready in the next week. More details coming soon!

Thanks for reading ❤️