Jake, other animals, friends, and art! September + October Recap

Howdy Folx! It has been a busy last couple months for me. Has it been that way for ya’ll too? I’ve been taking a much needed break from social media too so let me catch you up!

Let’s start with a very unplanned, but exciting addition to our family. Meet Jake!

At the beginning of September, we noticed something kept taking our turtle’s food. I noticed a partial muddy print on the patio and we couldn’t really tell if it was a racoon or something else. One day I happened to see this dog sleeping between our house in the neighbors, in the shade to keep cool. I tried to approach him but he would always run away. It took a few days, but I won him over with some food.

This was the first time I was able to pet him, after seeing him wandering around our neighborhood for over a week.

Look at this sweet face! He is not a small dog, (over 75 lbs) but has such gentle eyes. After searching local animal groups on FB to see if someone was missing him with no luck, we took him to the vet to see if he had a chip. He didn’t have one. And he seemed really happy with us so, the rest is history.

That’s a happy pup!

So most of September I feel was a blur, with most of my energy going to figuring out the right ways to care for this guy. He’s up to date on his shots and I’m so glad he found us. He truly helped me become more active and I started working out again because he’s so strong and I want to be able to safely take him places, though sometimes he does just PULLS me where he wants. We’re working on that.

Jake is my first dog as an adult. :)

He looks like he’s smiling!

We’re still trying to figure out how to keep him and the cats happy. So far, Loki seems not to mind him, but Ghost hates him (to be fair, Ghost seems to hate everything though haha). So now for some pictures of kitties!

Chilling with Loki.

Ghost’s favorite spot to sleep is in one of my drawers so my clothes. I’m always covered in cat hair.

Kitty at work!

I also started working again. I’m making beautiful pens for a small e-commerce business. I really like it, my co-workers are cool and I’m learning so much about manufacturing and seeing a different side of owning a small business I haven’t seen before. My commute is actually one of my favorite parts of the day because this Texas hill country is so beautiful. There’s a sculpture garden right next to our warehouse too, so I go out and take a walk there on my lunch breaks every day I work. Sometimes I’ll see this little friendly kitty.

Can you believe I saw this on my way to work? A FREAKING KANGAROO! In Central Texas.

That’s a scorpion I found on my back patio. I scooped it up moved it into a wooded area away from our home.

I don’t take as many pictures with my honey as I would like, but this was one during the kiddo’s soccer practice. I love the sunsets out here. Hehe.

I just love how the light beams through the clouds. Seriously, I spend a lot of time admiring the sky out here.

For my birthday, my hubby surprised me by taking me to get Filipino food from Sarah’s Kitchen. I actually CRIED multiple times because the food was SO GOOD and comforting to me.

Halo halo.

Crispy pata

I made a trip to Houston for a friend’s engagement / going away party. I haven’t been the most social person since like 2020, but I think that’s what happened to a lot of us. It was so good to be able to hang out in a neat place like this with so many wonderful people.

My Bestie!! We’ve known each other since high school and anytime we meet up, we pick up right where we left off.

A mini roller derby reunion!

Halloween! I pulled out this cute dress I haven’t worn in YEARS! I also played a little with some makeup, which I don’t do as often these days. It was fun by my skin did not agree lol.

This is our first Halloween together where we actually got to go do things and trick to treat! My hubby was a zombie and G was X-Lord from Fortnite. He got quite a few compliments, tbh it’s a pretty cool costume.

I created a Coloring Zine called Spooky Szn. I’m actually really proud I made that come together and learned a lot in the process. I tried my best to do things in a more traditional way by making my own copies and stapling and folding each page myself.

So I am really into Zines right now. I actually want to make a Qveen Herby FanZine. I have been OBSESSED with her music and there is no doubt most of my Spotify top songs this year will be from her. I have some other designs drawn out but here are the ones I have completed! These were so fun. I love her style.

You can buy these designs on different products over on my Redbubble store

You can buy these designs on different products over on my Redbubble store

And that’s all for now! Thanks for reading. :)