August Recap

Another month of this year has gone by! It has still been very hot here in Central Texas, with it being triple digits most days.

Sometimes I venture out into public. There’s a little water park out here and I went with the boys. I doodled in my sketchbook and did go down a few slides.

Qveen Herby has been on repeat for me.


I drew this on a day that I was feeling very drained.

I finished a mural in my kid’s bathroom this month. Check out this blog post for more pictures.

I like to go on walks in the morning while it’s not super hot. Right now they’re still building homes in the neighborhood, so I’m trying to enjoy how quiet and empty it is out here before it becomes full.

A yummy Korean Bento I had for lunch one day.

There’s a cute little place by where I live. I worked a little on my art and got a Strawberry Matcha Bubble tea.

There’s a place I like to go hiking. I go a couple times a month, but I’m looking forward to cooler weather so I can go out there more. One morning, I ran into an armadillo!! I couldn’t believe it. I just stood still as it walked by. It even started digging close to me, looking for food I think. On another day I went hiking, I saw a possum (didn’t get a pic) and 3 turtles.

Look how close it got! :’)

This was the biggest turtle. I tried to get my hand close to help give a size reference but I’m not sure it’s helpful lol.

The smallest one.

The medium turtle.

On a Friday, I went to Killen Creator’s Open Studio and doodled this.

I joined Killeen Creators for part of a community art initiative and we painted a mural on the side of a building. This was really a wonderful experience and I am looking forward to doing more things with these folks.

Look at these people helping make this city a little brighter! :)

armadillo drawing in peach with purple and expressive lines

Armadillo drawing I did while it rained (I was inspired by the one I saw on my hike! I couldn’t stop thinking of it lol). It didn’t rain much but I enjoyed how much it cooled down and I do enjoy the smell too. The smell of rain in the desert is different than in places where it’s more green.

We had TWO full moons in August. August 30th was a blue moon and earlier that day I had some pent up energy and I just kept feeling the urge to paint. I keep making excuses as to why I shouldn’t paint, the main one being I don’t really have a dedicated space. But I’m an artist and when the feeling strikes, I can’t help but get it out. I pulled out an old canvas (wish I had taken a picture of it) and painted over it. All I knew was that I wanted to paint the moon. I put on some earbuds and went for it. I just added a few stokes here and there. I really enjoyed getting lost in the clouds and the stars. This painting is available in my shop.

I put some things up on my walls in the area I create. It makes me happy to look at these <3

My brother-in-law and niece came to visit us…And they decided to work on MATH for fun… Haha. My hubby is really good with numbers.

My Siren Sister, Muhammad Holly! We played for the same team in Houston, many moons ago. I’m so glad I got to meet up with her for lunch and we stopped by Medusa Skate shop in Austin.

And that’s it for August. I’m excited for September. It’s already off to a great start and I can’t wait to share more with ya’ll! :)