Gene Keys, wildflowers, little paintings

Hi friends! Another week gone and I am looking at the calendar wondering how it is already almost May!

Ghost taking a nap on the couch.

This is what i’m learning about lately

Have ya’ll heard of The Gene Keys? You can create your profile for free. You plug in your date of birth and time, and you’ll get information based on that info, kind of like your astrological birth chart. I’m still fairly new to it, so I can’t quite explain it in depth. But I have been reading this book and it helps me see my life, my behaviors, as well as others in a different way. It’s like, I’m seeing how each person is programmed from birth with these certain gene keys and they are expressed in different ways but they’re also all connected. Like I said, I am still learning this and I don’t have a strong enough grasp on it to explain it properly yet. I’m also interested in Astrology and I can see how that ties in with Gene Keys. Anyways, that’s the rabbit hole I’ve fallen into lately haha.

This is my Gene Keys profile. Those numbers really didn’t make any sense to me until I got the book. Even with the book, there’s SO much unpack and learn. It’s really interesting to me and I want to nerd out about this with other people.

daily life

What does your day to day look like? Mine isn’t exactly the same each day, but I say most mornings I get up, meditate for 10 minutes, do some yoga (I’m a big fan of Yoga with Adrienne on youtube!) then do some chores, make coffee, walk my dog and then write. I haven’t been prioritizing the writing this week and I can feel a difference in my day. I have some projects I’m working on that are taking up a lot of brain space, so I feel the need to take certain tasks out of my day. I’m always trying to find that balance though. :)

Tofu scramble scramble with HEB Green sauce.. This was my first time making tofu like this, and it was delicious! I will be making this more often.

A church that’s close by where I work.

I saw this turtle crossing the road on my way home from work on day. I stopped, grabbed it and carried it across to the side it was already heading. There was a creek close by, so I just took it as close as I could get, and as far from the road as possible.

Maybe a river cooter? In any case, I’m just glad I was able to help get this one out of the road.

I was so surprised to see these blackberries growing in the empty lot across from my house. I mean, look at the kind of soil it’s growing out of...It’s clay and shells. Nature is so resilient. :)

There’s so many of these Firewheel flowers in bloom right now. They’re so beautiful!

It’s amazing to see all the flowers and bugs that are out and about now. Abundance!

Here are some things I made for myself this week.

Like I mentioned, I have some projects I am working on so I forget to make stuff for myself. It’s funny that when I DO make something for me, I actually have MORE energy to give. So, this is just a reminder to myself to keep making art.

I painted my light switch cover in my office. I think it’s cute and I’m enjoying adding a little bit more of “me” into this space.

I laid down a thick layer of acrylic paint then used acrylic makers on top. I don’t know how durable this is but it was fun!

I’m thinking a lot lately about how I want to grow creatively. I have this feeling in me that says I’m aiming too low and safe, because it’s comfortable (lol, reading my Gene keys is really bringing up a lot of this to the surface!). I have a lot of potential, in fact, SO MUCH that I let that overwhelm me sometimes. Rather than just doing the things, I overthink. I want to launch a Patreon or something where I’m creating to create things I enjoy (and I have a solid group of folks who have been huge supporters of my art through the years, I’m so grateful!), rather than creating on a social media platform that just wants creators to pump out new “content” in the form of short format video that will be forgotten after scrolling for 5 more videos.

So I am contemplating this a lot lately. How do I make art in a sustainable way that does not burn me or and feels truly, authentically me? There are other introverted creatives who have figured this out, which gives me hope that I can too. I have been considering creating Youtube Videos again. I have time and time again realized I DO NOT enjoy filming my creating process and want to figure out other types of creative videos. I kinda miss vlogging? I just enjoy slower and longer forms of content. I like this blog. Even if it’s just a place for me to brain dump once a week, I have been able to prove I can do that in a way that feels good.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading.