Attitude of gratitude, manifesting

Hi friends! 🤗

Last Saturday a friend from El Paso accidentally butt-dialed me while I was at my kiddo's birthday party. I reached out to her the next day and we went back and forth for a bit and she asked if I could draw something for her in memory of her dad. It's a really fun idea, here are the sketches I came up with.

During the week, I work for a small business that makes the most beautiful pens (I’ve been there ~7 months now). My boss asked me if I'd design something for a major holiday coming up later this year. Y'all, I'm thrilled for this opportunity to do such an awesome collaboration. And I feel so ready to make this happen!

These two opportunities in a week just had me feeling so incredibly grateful. I've been praying, writing, meditating and visualizing these kinds of things…and now that they've manifested, I just feel so grateful and blessed.

My mom made this candle and the crochet flower mat it’s sitting on. If you ever wondered where I get my creativity from, it's from her.

Thanks for reading. 💕