2024 Holidays & Wrap Up

Happy New Year friends! Hope you all had a safe and happy holiday season.

I had a really special holiday this year. We hosted Christmas and my mother-in-law and her husband came to stay with us!

I am so grateful that we were able to have this chance to spend this day together. My in-laws drove in from New Mexico, my brother-in-law came from Marble Falls and my parents, brothers, sister-in-law and my nieces came over from Houston. There was part of me that worried I wouldn't have planned enough, but turns out there was LOTS of food. After we ate, honestly I was just trying my best to live in the moment and enjoy it. I have to say I had so much help in the kitchen and I'm so grateful for the extra hands! It helped keep me calm and everything turned out great. :)

Of course I had to get my nieces some art supplies! Actually these are MY art supplies 😂 but I had to create some art with my girls! I try to make sure we do something creative whenever we get to hang out if possible.

My mom ❤️ she always made holidays feel so special for us growing up and she inspires me to do the same in my own home now as an adult.

It was so wonderful to have grandparents around in our home. I'm so grateful for them and this chance we got to spend time together.

They took this painting with them (and a smaller one I didn't get a picture of 🤦‍♀️). I'm happy they get to have a piece of my art in their space.

After they left, I got sick and have spent the last few days recovering. I'm truly thankful and grateful to have a job where I have flexibility in my schedule and can do my work from my bed. I meant to post this a few days ago but… 🤧 life happens! Again, I'm so thankful I got to slow down, enjoy the holiday without getting the pressure to rush back into an office. It's one of the biggest blessings of 2024.

Here's some images I shared on my Instagram of some awesome moments with my art! I hit some amazing milestones and made some things done true that still feel like a dream. I did a mural right before the holidays and I'll have to create a separate post with all those details.

Thank you all reading and for supporting me in this journey. I am so excited to see what 2025 holds. ❤️