Howdy friends! Hope ya’ll are staying cool now that summer is in full swing. Whew, it is HOT in Texas for sure, but I am still finding ways to have fun. :)
Last weekend I took a quick trip to visit friends and family in the Houston area. It recharged my battery and my heart feels so full!
I love being Aunty!! I got to make some art with my nieces!
Taking Gibbs for a walk. He’s a good boy.
I took a little video of this deer bone. There is a little tiny spider on it.
After staying visiting family, I made it out to see my bestie Nicole! She’s currently on crutches and healing but we are not letting that stop us from finding fun adventures!
My bestie Nicole!!
My friend Rebel just opened up a store location. Check out Rocktopus Art & Jewelry in Montgomery, Tx!
I had to get a pair of earrings from Rebel. HOW CUTE ARE THESE TAROT EARRINGS?!
Cute mural on the side of Flower Child.
Delicious lunch with my bae!
After lunch we went to Old Town Spring. The main mission was to find some new crystals to add to our collections, hehe! The first two places we found were okay, but we then saw signs for The Spirit Quest Center that was having a psychic fair that day! This place had an amazing selection of crystals.
We also both ended up also getting tarot readings from Jess, who had such amazing energy. We sat through each other’s readings and were both just in awe of how clear and accurate these readings were. It’s been 2 days and tbh I am still processing it haha.
I use the mantra “the universe has my back” ALL the time. And have I been working on my dreams so much this year.
After our readings Jess was kind enough to walk with us a bit and give up a tour of some other places close by.
We went to an Elixer bar and tried Kava for the first time. It’s an herb that grows in the Pacific Islands and is used in ceremonies in Polynesian cultures. It is very bitter, a bit spicy, and very relaxing.
I had such a good time. I am so grateful and feel SO SO blessed I had the chance to spend time with loved ones. I’m so happy that I live much closer to my friends and family now. That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!