2nd launch was a success!

Howdy! Friday I did a shop update and I am so happy that I sold 5 of my magnets!

i am so grateful to have such amazing, supportive friends and family. I’ve had people who’d believed in me long before i believed in myself.

I have to say that this launch felt so different. This isn’t the first launch I’ve done, or second, or third. I made my first sale on this website in 2020 and I can definitely say I have learned so much since then, about myself, my thoughts and beliefs about money and being an artist. Because for a long time, I really felt like my art wasn’t good enough or that I wasn’t worthy of this. Even when I was making sales, I still felt like I could do more, that I could do better. I’d feel good about it all for a bit but then noticed I would feel discouraged and drained when some of the items I had wouldn’t sell. I kept chasing after “success” but I didn’t even know what that meant and I turned in all the negativity inward.

What is success anyway?

Success to me, in the context of this shop launch, means having a calm, nervous system that isn’t fried from stress and anxiety. It means being able to FEEL comfortable selling my art to people. It means feeling at ease, knowing that my art means something to someone.

I have sold my art in so many ways over the years, and I have to say this launch I felt the most confident. I look back at all the different experiences I had, and realize I was so hard on myself when really I was just learning. Each opportunity was a chance to grow and expand, but I didn’t understand that and pushed and pushed myself until I was burnt out and I didn’t want to or couldn’t make art which really hurts my soul. I would go long periods without creating it is an ache I don’t know how to properly describe. I’m not fully myself when I am not creating.

So another priority, is that I get to have fun. And I don’t have to take it all so seriously. I’m better at giving myself some space to just explore and get messy and make ugly art. This is why I love spending time in sketchbook. Some of it I don’t share, and that’s okay too. Because it allows me to bring out fun pieces like these magnets with joy!

There are a few still available!

Thanks for reading and being part of my art journey. :)