
This last week wasn’t my best week.

I felt emotionally and energetically drained. i feel like i barely made it through work and had nothing left in the tank by the time I got home. When I’m feeling like that, I know I just have to be patient with myself and not force myself to do anything…Including creating art if I was not feeling it. I had a lot of things I wanted to create, especially with this event coming up…I ended up backing out of it, btw, because I did not want to create things I was not happy with. Knowing when to say “no” is part of being kind to myself…

Anyways, I remember the previous week asking the universe to show me a sign. I was feeling pretty low, and thought “Show me a rainbow!” and a big part of me was/is still missing my Loki…There’s this rainbow piece of art I created that now always makes me think of him when I look at it.

I did this sketch with Loki in January of 2023. I later decided to paint this idea onto a wooden panel I had.

I started painting this wooden panel a couple days after the sketch. Loki was supervising / napping.

I added gold leaf in the center and a shimmery pink on the outside. This piece just looks so much cooler in person than in photos.

I decided to add epoxy resin on top to keep the gold flake from flaking off more. It was a process. And the shiny layer of resin on top makes it extra difficult to take pics of.

Some pieces of the gold flake floated off into other sections so I tired putting more on top. You can see how it’s sticking out in some areas.

On Wednesday, we went to drop off Gabriel. It had rained a little and cleared just as we were getting into the car. I saw part of the most vibrant rainbow I’d ever seen in the sky. I love seeing rainbows!

I stick my phone out the window to snap this.

A little farther down the road was when I first saw the second rainbow! It was so much more vibrant in person. It’s like that rainbow painting I have!! Pictures don’t do it justice.

And then as we drove, I could see this double rainbow in perfect view from my side. I tried my best to get pictures. Honestly, seeing this just lit me up inside in such a way. Universe showed me the rainbow I asked for and I felt the second one was Loki saying hello!

By the time we got to where we were going, only a few minutes later, the rainbow was nowhere to be seen. I feel very fortunate that I was able to catch a glimpse of this rainbow and that we were in just the right place at the right time to see it.

It made me think…I don’t think I’ve seen a rainbow after the rain since we moved back to Texas. So I looked through my photos at other rainbows I’ve taken pictures of.

February 2020. I was in a Walmart parking lot in El Paso.

September 2020.

September 2021. Columbia, SC.

October 2021. New Mexico.

🌈 Thanks for reading <3 🌈