Spring Break '24

This last week was simultaneously amazing and hard. It was Spring Break and I am grateful I had time off work to spend with my loved ones. I had time and space to reflect on things this week, which I feel was very much needed.

The bluebonnets are in bloom right now. It’s one of the things I love seeing on Texas road trips. This was actually close to my home.

One day I want to have land where the bluebonnets and wildflowers can grow.

The hardest part of this week was saying goodbye to Loki. It’s been 5 days and I am still crying a lot. He was a special kitty to me and you can read more about him and see pictures of him and how we was by my side while I made a lot of art. Thank you for your bright little light, Loki.

I had a painting in the corner of my room that was calling to me. I picked it up and started painting on top of it. This painting is absolutely a processing and healing piece for me.

Okay now that I’ve made myself cry again, haha, let me tell you about what pulled me out of my heartache! Spending time with these guys!

Me, my husband, Mikael (the oldest), and Gabriel (the youngest) watching Kung Fu Panda 4. I really liked it! It made me really laugh out loud in a few parts.

We went to the movies.

We went to an arcade for a bit another day. We like games. :)

Have ya’ll ever played Dragonwood? We played this game together a few times. I have never won, haha.

This was absolutely my favorite moment of the week. I normally sit at this table and make art, and usually alone or with my kitties at my feet. I was really missing Loki (who normally is close as I make art, and of course this piece has helped me process that) and they came over and played a little while I painted. I didn’t ask but I think it was really lovely timing that they deiced to hang out with me for a bit. I just felt so at peace and so incredibly grateful for a moment like this. It made me cry too!!

Meow Wolf - Grapevine, Tx

Meow Wolf!!! I was so stoked to finally make it out here. I went to original Meow Wolf in Santa Fe in 2017. It’s an experience. Photos and pics don’t do it any justice.

Some Art I made this week

This is the finished kitty paw painting. Reaching up into the sky. This is a canvas I wrapped myself and I’m positive Loki was around while I worked on the original painting. I pulled out some paints I haven’t used in a while and just went for it. It feels different from a canvas from the store. And using these particular paints makes me paint differently. I can’t quite explain it, but I just felt really connected to this piece, the paint, and the canvas.


After - I was just feeling the repeating pattern of strokes on canvas while working on the piece above so I wanted to bring that into this painting too.

3 x 3” canvas magnet.

4 x 4” round canvas disco ball

Right now I’m sitting on the couch writing this. Did I mention I also have a broken foot right now? It’s been about a month of that and it has really taken a toll on my mental health (not to mention I pushed it a little too much at work and trying to DO all the things at home) and I’m really trying my best to keep my spirits up. It’s been a dreary, cloudy, last couple days but I’m just grateful to be able to take the time to write this.

I know now my body has been asking me to slow down for a while and I am finally listening. When I do slow down, I am more in tune with my intuition and I feel more whole and myself. I miss being this me. I know it’s all about balance…and I’m always stiving to find it, in all aspects of my life.. You can’t know how wonderful and beautiful your life truly is unless you experience it’s opposite. You need the dark in order to appreciate the light. If you’re moving too fast, you miss the wonderful experiences and things that are right in front of you. This week was a really, powerful reminder of that.

Thank you all for reading. Sending you all lots of love and light.