Painting small gives me big feels

Hi friends! I’m currently prepping for this event next weekend! I’m excited to get my art out into the community and connect with other people.

I haven’t actually painted on canvas in quite some time. I have canvases I’ve prepped and are waiting patiently for me to play with them, but I have been feeling too intimidated to start. I went to the store to pick up some paint and saw these small canvas magnets. They had different shapes and I thought they were cute and that it would be a fun way to get back into painting.

I wanted to do a northern lights scene here but didn’t have the colors I wanted, so this is what came out instead.

I loved how the blue mountain turned out, so I did another one. I wanted to do fun pops of color.

I wanted to do another fun scene with punchy colors.

Someone suggested a tropical scene, so I gave that a go here.

The day after I painted the first 4, I wanted to do another set. These are a work in progress…Or maybe they’re going to get painted over completely. The peach one on the right is okay, but the colors aren’t vibing with me as much..So I tried to play with purples. Again, they didn’t flow as much as the first set did.

So I decided to paint some disco balls instead!

I’ve painted some bigger disco balls on wood panels and love them so much! So I thought mini versions would be cute!

Doing these mini paintings helped me feel comfortable with painting again. Because they’re small, I couldn’t put in too much detail, which is a good thing that helped pull me out of this painting block. It’s also really satisfying to me that I have 6 new paintings done. I love how they turned out! Which one is your favorite? :)

I’m going to keep on painting. I have more of those little magnets in different shapes, but those larger canvases are warming up to me again. I have another week before the show and I just want to create my heart out until then. I’ll let ya’ll know how it goes. <3