Hey friends! Last weekend I took a trip out to Oklahoma for a friend’s wedding. I stayed in an Air BNB that was a 5 minute drive from this beautiful park. After a 6 hour drive, it felt so good to be able to walk around this beautiful area.
The trees were so beautiful. I instantly felt connected to the nature in a way I cannot explain. Living in central Texas, we do not have trees like this and I miss it so much! It reminded me of a park I used to walk to when we lived in South Carolina, with a pond and trees and geese. I could just feel the wisdom and energy of these trees. They were so tall and the different color fall leaves were so pretty. Being next to water is one of my favorite places to be in nature.
I haven’t done my hair and makeup for a formal event in a while, but I think I did a pretty good job. I love this dress! It was so fun to dance in, especially with this sleeves!
I got to see friends I wen tot high school with! It was so good catching up! Feels like we didn’t miss a beat and just picked up where we left off. Haha, except now we all have achey knees and backs.
Congrats Brittney and DJ! Their ceremony had me tearing up from how sweet it was, but also laughing because it was SO silly and that is so on brand for the bride. :)
This trip gave me time to reflect on things…. Maybe it’s something about seeing people I haven’t seen in almost 20 years that will do that. Sort of WILD that much time has gone by and how much has changed. And at the same time, how much hasn’t changed.
I am going to spend more time with people I love and adore. I am making that a commitment and priority. Another thing I reflected on was that I don’t like being away from my husband lol. As much as I love to travel and get away, I really am a creature of habit and I love the comfort of the home we have built together.
I have been thinking about my art…And how I am looking to step up my skills. I do love making for the fun of it, but I also feel like I want to express more and in a bigger, deeper way and I can’t quite get there with the abilities I have now. I don’t know what that will look like exactly but I’m going to share the process, especially if it’s ugly and messy. I want to get better at writing too…I’m a really creative person and I feel like I’ve been holding myself back. And I’m ready to take it all to the next level.
There’s quite a few moving pieces right now but..I just know it’s all going to work out. :)
that’s all for now.
Of course I had to get a picture with Bucee!