Roller derby doodles ๐Ÿ›ผ

It's no secret that I love roller skating. I love the vibes, I love how it feels, I love how it makes me feel.

But I've really been thinking about my roller derby days. I skated for about 10 years and took on as many positions as I could and learned so much from the experience. It's been on my mind more lately (let's be real, it's on my mind a lot on the regular). I know the season is starting back up for some leagues, and I'm looking forward to watching a game soon. I really miss the energy.

Here are some doodles I've done recently.

Roller skater lacing up. I found a reference on instagram. It was a cute little snapshot of a very normal part of roller derby practice.

Looking around on pinterest for reference. Most images under the roller derby tag are these really nice, posed or perfectly captured shots. I like the messiness of these doodles.

Top left corner was of a skater buckling their helmet. The big drawing is a photo floating around on pinterest of a former teammate of mine.

A photographer I follow on IG posted some pictures from a recent tournament. I was really just trying to play with loose doodles. There were a ton of great action shots. I really appreciate those derby photographers!