This sh*t is bananas

Howdy folx! I’m starting a blog. I have actually attempted a few blogs before in the past and here I go again! I really want to be able to create a catalog of information that’s easy for me (and eventually, many of you!) find in a nice format.

I may use this as a space to share updates on my life in a longer, more thought out format. I’ll be honest, I find sharing life details on IG or FB isn’t my favorite and I get overwhelmed with updating it on the reg. ^_^; I just typed out that emote, because I haven’t figured out how to add emojis yet. Haha, but that’s what life looks like when you’re trying to promote yourself or your art or products. Anyways, it’s my blog so I’m gonna do what I want! Here’s a silly picture I took today (amazing jumpsuit from! Not sponsored, I just love it so much). That’s gonna be the vibe of this blog I think. :) Thanks for being here!